Some people were born and never had the chance to know their parent, and this could be for many reasons: parents might have passed away on their day of birth, parents might have abandoned them after birth, for various reasons…
Wether they were fortunate to be loved by some other people or not, the fact is that they faced life with all its challenges; they persevered, some could not; but some made it somehow in life. And now, they all say “NO” to “Children in Difficulty”
Some were born in happy families, with wonderful early childhood experience, and suddenly when they needed more love, care and attention from their parents to grow as a happy child; something unplanned happened, and things felt apart in the family: No more love, no more happiness, rather: Anger, cries, grievance, regrets became the daily experience.
Some might have survived natural disasters, wars, calamities, and experienced hard and difficult childhood. Few or many might have also been intentionally mistreated or abused for different reasons. Today, they all say “NO”.
Some other people were born in humbled or rich families. They were fortunate to grow up in happy environment full of love, care and attention. They lacked almost nothing at all. Sometimes in life, they experienced some ups and downs but in general, life was good and things went on well for them. But today, when they see children in difficulty or in some basic needs, they are scandalized and they all say “NO” as they cannot understand why and how a child, should experience such difficulties.
Whichever experience you and I might have lived from all above, we just simply need to make the world a better place for our children to live in.
It is all about Love and Care. Love has no color, Love has no borders.
Please, wherever you are and whoever you are, join me in loving, caring and helping our younger ones across the globe. Let’s give them Hope for a better tomorrow.
Thank you,
Achille Bawubadi Akawulu ALI Ali Boro
SO.G.E.D – TOGO is a humanitarian association based in Togo, a small and peaceful country of the west coast of Africa.
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